Dentures Aren’t Just for Seniors: 3 Kinds of People Who Could Need Them

March 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Sanchez @ 12:01 am
someone holding a pair of dentures

Dentures can be an incredibly powerful tooth replacement option, affording people who have lost teeth a taste of what their smile used to be like. However, they seem to have picked up the stigma of mostly being used by seniors.

The truth is that people of all ages can lose teeth, which means that all kinds of people can benefit from dentures. If you want to know a few examples, here are some groups of people who could potentially have some teeth fall out, and how dentures can help them.

Pregnant Women

Pregnancy affects the body in a myriad of ways, and some of them can catch expectant mothers by surprise. One example is the way that pregnancy weakens your teeth. This happens because the body redirects nutrients from all over the body to the growing baby, including from the mouth. In some situations, pregnant women can even lose their teeth for this reason.

Dentures are a relatively inexpensive tooth replacement option and are the least invasive, making them perfect for expectant mothers who have suddenly lost teeth.


Young people can lose teeth in all kinds of accidents, and are usually more sensitive than anyone to the way that it affects their appearance. Naturally, they’ll usually want to replace their teeth as soon as possible.

However, most dentists recommend against giving teenagers dental implants, as their jaws are still growing. Dental bridges are possible, but require your dentist to remove bits of healthy, natural teeth. Dentures can be an excellent stopgap for teenagers who want to get dental implants when they’re older.

Gum Disease Patients

It’s estimated that around 50% of adults in the U.S. have gum disease to some extent. In some cases that can be fairly mild, resulting in some irritation or bleeding while flossing. However, when gum disease progresses to a certain point, it can begin to attack the jawbone. This can cause tooth loss if things get serious. If you lose teeth due to gum disease at any age, dentures can be remarkably useful.

As you can see, there are plenty of ways to lose teeth, which means that there are all kinds of people who could use dentures. Now you know that they aren’t just for seniors!

About the Author

For 20 years, Dr. Francisca Sanchez has been helping her patients to change their lives for the better by giving them the perfect smiles that they’ve always wanted! Her patients are drawn to her by her wonderful attitude and her self-evident expertise. Dr. Sanchez first studied dentistry in the Dominican Republic before moving to the U.S., where she then graduated from the Columbia School of Dental Medicine.

If you have any questions about who can benefit from dentures, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (646) 669-7407.