Invisalign – New York, NY

A Clear Alternative to Traditional Braces

If you’ve been longing for a straighter smile but don’t want to deal with the hassle of having metal brackets on your teeth, our team at FSU Dental Arts can help. Invisalign is a clear alternative to traditional braces and is customized to fit over your teeth to gently reposition them over a designated period. This solution has gained popularity because it is less visually obtrusive than standard braces. Plus, cleaning your teeth is a breeze because you can simply remove the plastic aligners to brush and floss then reinsert them when you’re done. If you’d like to know more or have additional questions, you’re welcome to contact our team today for information!

Why Choose FS Dental Arts For Invisalign?

  • Flexible Financing Available
  • Happy to Treat Children & Adults Alike
  • Digital Imaging for Beautiful & Accurate Results

How Invisalign Works

Invisalign relies on clear plastic aligner trays rather than metal brackets, wires, and bands to fix misaligned teeth. These aligners use targeted pressure to gently guide teeth into healthier positions. Your treatment plan is tailored to your individual needs and takes into account the current position of your teeth as well as your bite alignment and key pressure points. You’ll wear these aligners for 22 hours every day and will receive a new set of aligners every two weeks or so to account for the recent movement and continue forward progress. It usually takes around 12-18 months to complete treatment, as opposed to several years with traditional braces.

Indications for Invisalign

If you have a severe case of malocclusion (the way your upper and lower teeth fit together when you bite down), or have teeth requiring extra torque to turn them, then your dentist might recommend traditional braces. If your issues are less extreme, Invisalign could be a perfect fit! Keep reading to learn more about potential indicators.

Crowded Teeth

Overcrowded teeth can be an oral health risk because it’s harder to thoroughly brush and floss them. You’re more likely to develop cavities or gum disease as a result. Fortunately, clear aligners can resolve this without permanently installed brackets that are also challenging to clean!

Gaps Between Teeth

Not only can spaces between your teeth leave you feeling self-conscious, but it’s also much easier for food to get lodged in places it shouldn’t. By closing these gaps with Invisalign, you can look and feel your very best while lowering your risk of decay and cavities.

Bite Alignment

Having a misaligned bite can lead to other problems like unevenly wearing down your teeth, jaw pain or stiffness, and headaches. Invisalign can correct it to prevent progressively worse problems down the road.

The Benefits of Invisalign

Invisalign has helped millions of people achieve perfectly even grins and continues to gain popularity due to the many advantages it provides, including:

  • Visual appeal. The clear aligner trays are much less noticeable than glinting metal brackets.
  • Shortened treatment time. Braces often take a few years to straighten your smile, but Invisalign takes about 12-18 months.
  • Convenience. It’s simple to remove your aligners to clean them as well as your pearly whites.
  • No dietary restrictions. Unlike with traditional braces, you don’t have to steer clear of certain foods because you’ll take Invisalign out for meals.

How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

Several factors are considered when calculating the cost for your Invisalign treatment and everyone’s circumstances are unique. During your consultation appointment, our team will examine your current dental condition, chat with you about your goals, and closely review your medical history to provide an estimate based on your individual needs. We are in-network with several major dental insurance companies and provide flexible financing options so that your budget doesn’t keep you from having the perfectly straight smile that you deserve!