Are Your Teeth At a Greater Risk During the Holidays?

December 15, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Sanchez @ 2:21 pm
a family enjoying good dental health in New York

Although the holiday season is a magical time to enjoy festive music and spend time with loved ones, it isn’t always the best for your pearly whites. With all the excitement in the air, it can be easy to fall into habits that can lead to problems such as decay and infection. The good news is that there are plenty of ways to reduce your risk of experiencing these issues. Keep reading to learn how the holidays can be bad for your dental health and tips for protecting your smile!

How Are the Holidays Bad for Your Teeth?

Several factors can result in tooth decay during the festive season, including:

  • Excessive sugar – When the holidays come around, most people tend to enjoy munching on sugary treats, such as candy canes, pumpkin pie, and other sweets. However, everyone knows that sugar can be detrimental to teeth by increasing the chances of developing a cavity.
  • Veering from normal routines – You should be brushing your teeth and gums twice a day for two minutes each time, especially before bed. If you’re traveling for the holidays or enjoying your time at a late-night event, you may easily forget about your usual oral hygiene regimen.
  • Frequent snacking – With all the different treats and appetizers, many people take to grazing on their favorite seasonal foods throughout the day. Unfortunately, this can increase the risk of decay and forming cavities, as your saliva won’t have enough time to wash away debris and harmful bacteria.

Ways to Protect Your Smile During the Holiday Season

While your teeth may be at risk during the holidays, it doesn’t mean you can’t minimize the chances of future complications. Here are several measures you can take throughout the celebrations to keep your smile safe:

  • Consume sugary treats in moderation, and rinse your mouth afterward to prevent bacteria and plaque from accumulating.
  • Drink ample amounts of water throughout your day to clean out your mouth, especially if you’re snacking frequently.
  • Put a reminder on your phone so you don’t forget to clean your teeth twice a day.
  • While eating your meals, try picking foods that are nutritious and vitamin-rich, such as veggies, turkey, cheese, and cranberries.
  • Bring dental floss with you so you can conveniently clean between your teeth after eating.
  • Visit your dentist after the holidays to catch and address any developing issues before they can worsen.

You can still enjoy the festivities without putting your pearly whites at risk. By being aware of your habits and practicing these few precautions, you can have a splendid holiday season while maintaining great dental health in the long run!

About the Author

Dr. Francisca A. Sanchez studied at the Columbia School of Dental Medicine. She’s also a proud member of various prominent organizations such as the American Dental Association and the Academy of General Dentistry. She offers a wide selection of high-quality and comprehensive services, including dental checkups/cleanings, fluoride treatments, periodontal therapy, and fillings. If you’d like to request an appointment, visit her website or call 646-669-7407.